- Via Santhià, 5 - 13040 Carisio (VC)
- 0161 97 28 23
- lucaviano68
- info@lucaviano.it
Liquid rooting
Avatar is a product with specific action containing micorrhizal (Glomus type), bacteria of the rhizosphere, in particular Bacillus Pseudomonas and Streptomices with their enzymes and metabolites as well as a natural catalyst able to accelerate their metabolic activity, increase capillarity and water diffusion within the vegetables with an important energy saving. This translates in better health and better plants yield, as well as an improvement of quality parameters and preservation of the fruits.
The association of the microbic consortium that has been empowered with cold resistant bacteria and the natural catalyst, besides accelerating the metabolic activity of the micro organisms thus allowing a fast colonisation of the rhizosphere, allows AVATAR to bring the following advantages:
Inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi.
Fertirrigation 25 Kg./ha
Leaf 7/8 Kg./ha
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