Biostimulant with specific action

Description and source

Hydrolysed animal epithelial tissue from protein and keratin hydrolysis with high amino acids content source: This product is entirely water-soluble and is stable in normal storage conditions. May be mixed with almost all hydro-soluble products.


This product is entirely water-soluble and is stable in normal storage conditions. May be mixed with almost all hydro-soluble products.

Raw material

Epithelium hydrolysed animal fluid.


Amber coloured liquid. Specific weight ca. 1,20-1,30 g/ml. Pumpable. Non-corrosive.


Typical of the product, without foreign odours.


Product with specific action. Bio-stimulating actions to plants.


  • Tankers
  • IBC tank of 1.250 Kg
  • Cans of 30 Kg
  • Cans of 10 Kg
  • Cans of 5 Kg
  • Cartoons with 12 bottles of 1 Kg


Azoto totale (kjeldahl) 9,6 %
Azoto organico (Kjeldahl) 8,70 %
Azoto ammoniacale 0,9 %
Carbonio organico (C) 28 %
Materia organica 58,1 %
Rapporto C/N 2,7 %
Ceneri 5,3 %
Cloruri max 2 %
pH (1+5) 5,5 ca.
Totale aminoacidi min 62,9 %
Totale aminoacidi liberi min 11,5 %
Alanina 6,43 Lisina 1,98
Arginina 2,75 Metionina 0,49
Acido aspartico 3,90 Fenilalanina 1,47
Acido glutammico 7,31 Prolina 7,72
Leucina 2,40 Serina 1,61
Glicina 14,0 Treonina 2,17
Idrossiprolina 5,35 Tirosina 0,14
Istidina 3,15 Valina 1,87
Isoleucina 1,44 Taurina 0,23
Cisteina 0,21 Thereonina 0,64

Above mentioned values are approximate and may vary according to the raw materials. Values shown result from multiple analyses on previous years supplies.